Going From 0 to 100 Readers

Ariel Ranker
2 min readApr 21, 2021


“21 Ways To Grow Your Newsletter Faster in 2021”, Has some really interesting advice on how to increase readers and subscribers. One of the things I liked best from this article was the suggestion to create content once and then either repurpose it, by turning into a different format like video, or post it to multiple websites. I think this is a really good way to potentially reach larger audiences. Not everyone in going be be using, or even aware of every type of subscription service or website. So if you could create the same content in a variety of different formats, you could reach more people by, for example, having a Substack newsletter, a YouTube channel, a website, and a few social media accounts that all post basically the same information.

Of course, the downside to this is that you would have to be good at writing in multiple different formats, and also editing video, or audio, or whatever else was necessary. This would also take a lot of time.

Another piece of advice offered in the same article was to cross promote your content. I’ve heard this can be really effective, at least for some platforms. However, it does make me wonder how many subscribers you would have to already have before it becomes a viable option.

Referral programs were also mentioned, but personally I’m not that much of a fan. I guess I would do it if it was really the only way to be successful, but I think I would kind of feel like I was running an MLM, or sort of bribing people to be interested in my content.

I found the article by Delia Cai really relatable. She was talking about how she started a newsletter just for fun and it sort of organically grew into something successful. This really feels like my whole life. When I try really hard at things they usually fail spectacularly. Honestly, the only things I’ve really succeeded at in life are things that I didn’t put that much effort into, or wasn’t very serious about until I noticed they were working well, at which point I then started putting in effort.

