Media Entrepreneurship: Week 7

Ariel Ranker
2 min readMar 30, 2021

I really need to actually write a sample to see if my idea is going to be workable at all. However, I am thinking of doing sort of a fun facts thing, where each article is a deep dive into some interesting obscure topic. Of course this is in absolutely no way original, but it does have pretty broad appeal.

My target audience is basically anyone. I guess my ideal reader is really just someone who’s bored, and willing to read, with a skew towards more academically inclined people.

There are lots of similar things out there, but I was thinking that maybe the way mine could be different is by having a different type of hook. Instead of writing about just one isolated topic at a time, it could sort of answer the question that nobody asked of “how are these two completely different things actually related?”

I see the occasional article with this type of headline and they’re generally really effective at getting readers because they are so absurd. An example title would be something like “Why ancient Egyptian scrolls connect to little league baseball” or “How the inventor of the clothespin contributed to nuclear physics” (I’m completely making these up). I know about a lot of weird connections like this because to be honest, researching them on Wikipedia is something I find fun (that’s right, I don’t have any friends).

Unfortunately, having a semi click-bait headline probably only expands the potential audience more, so I guess my ideal reader would just be a person who likes to know obscure things, which describes a lot of people.

I could also definitely adjust the idea to fit a more narrow audience. I’ll honestly do whatever works best. I don’t really know what I’m doing here because usually I write things for assignments, or as jokes. I’ve never actually done “serious” writing before that was going to be made public, and that I chose the topic for. So we’ll see if I can make it work or not . . .

Also, I am very sorry that I’m behind with this class, I swear I’m trying to catch up.

